Thinking of your relationship in terms of a bank account can be hugely valuable in understanding whether your relationship balance is growing or depleting. Every single day we are constantly doing things that either enhance our love and connection (deposits), or reduce it (withdrawals). The key is to understand what constitutes deposits and withdrawals so […]
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We’ve all heard the quote ‘treat people the way you would like to be treated’. At its heart the saying is a positive and worthwhile message. It’s telling us to be respectful and thoughtful to others. So, why is it so dangerous, and why does it lead to the downfall of many relationships? The reason […]
One of the most dangerous trends in our modern society is our obsession with comparing ourselves to others, and feeling inadequate when we inevitably don’t measure up (at least in our minds). Books, magazines, movies and now social media all portray something that […]
The simple answer, in the vast majority of cases, is they are if you treat them as though they are. Sure it may not feel as though they are when you are fighting and feeling disillusioned. And you may not feel inclined to treat your partner as ‘the one’ if they are not treating you […]
Right now, as you read this, you may be considering why you should stay in your marriage. Perhaps you’ve been considering leaving for a while now? Or perhaps something has happened recently that has made you question the strength of your marriage? Honestly, if you haven’t questioned your marriage at some point then you are […]
There are many, many ways that we either consciously or unconsciously sabotage our relationships. The success of our relationships relies on a constant process of trial and error – finding out what works and what doesn’t and navigating the choppy waters with a shared sense of purpose and direction. Any one of those challenges we […]