Couples Therapy


What is Couple’s Therapy?

Couple’s therapy is focused on creating the relationship that you truly want, rather than fixing what is wrong with your relationship. The duty and function of a couple’s therapist is to listen, respect, understand and facilitate better functioning between the partners.

Sounds like a contradiction, but couple’s therapy offers a different way of thinking about and looking at your relationships.

We do not look for guilt or reprisal or band-aid solutions, but rather look at your patterns of behaviour, as a couple and as individuals that have you stuck and cause your pain.

The priority is in creating new, positive patterns of behaviour that will allow both of you to feel loved, heard, and respected.

Couple’s Therapy at Happy and Healthy Relationships

Happy and Healthy Relationships offer a wonderful non-threatening couple’s therapy program called REBUILD.

The REBUILD program incorporates techniques from some of the most respected couples’ therapists in the world, including John Gottman, Dr Sue Johnson, Gary Chapman, Milan & Kay Yerkovich, and Harville Hendrix. At Happy and Healthy Relationships, Matt Glover offers extensive personal and professional experience. He provides the guidance to help you both move beyond your current situation to something much better. Some of the features of REBUILD include:

  • Recognising and celebrating what is great about your relationship
  • Creating and finding ways to communicate that ensure you both are heard and respected
  • Establishing your relationship values and love languages that you both understand and appreciate
  • Creating your relationship ‘blueprint’ that helps you navigate both the difficult and wonderful times
  • Understanding how your past impacts your present relationship, and how to make it work for you rather than against you
  • Techniques to improve intimacy and re-ignite your sex life
  • Designing goals and plans for the future of your relationship

Couple’s Therapy is for Everyone

Even if you think your relationship is beyond the point of no return, the REBUILD program can open your eyes to new possibilities that you may have given up hope of achieving.

The REBUILD program is also suitable for new couples looking to ensure their relationship continues to grow and avoid the common pitfalls many couples fall into, and also to couples whose relationship is not in trouble, but would like to re-discover some of the passion that may have faded over time.

While the Happy and Healthy Relationships is based in Melbourne, the program can also be conducted online via skype or zoom for those who cannot come into our centre.

Find out more how our program differs from marriage counselling here


Click here to arrange your free introductory session.

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